Developed in the 1990s by Anton Hellinger (1925–2019), a German psychotherapist who was first ordained as a priest, then studied philosophy, theology and pedagogy, the vast majority of people first heard of
'Family Constellations' via the Turkish series broadcast on Netflix: Another Self (2022).
A genuine liberating group therapy, but which can also be done one by one with figurines acting
as 'characters' of our life, a family constellation features a Constellant who wishes to understand
a pattern which repeats itself in his life, a situation or an issue that occasionally resurfaces,
uncontrolled reactions, unconscious gestures, in short clearly karmic situations.
From physically or psychologically abusive spouses to paralyzing anxiety when having an interview
or speaking in front of an audience, from failures in love to failures in business,
everything can be addressed.
To do this, Representatives , whose contribution to the constellation is essential, voluntary, benevolent and devoid of any judgment, will 'play' the different roles that the 'facilitator' of the 'game' deems relevant. Several facilitators hold a pre-constellation meeting with the constellant, others ask him/her to complete a questionnaire in order to establish his/her life history and thus prepare a game plan which will guide his interventions during the session, while some limit themselves to a brief discussion.
After opening the Great Field , allowing everyone to connect to the Akashic records, the collective unconscious, universal vibrations and energies (let's call it what you want), the constellant names its objective or not. Then he chooses from among the representatives the one who will represent him. As we are in the realm of energies, a man does not necessarily have to choose a man. Same principle for a woman. Because it’s all about feeling. Then depending on what develops the constellant 'selects' his father, his grandmother, his children, etc.
And that’s what can be scary the first time you participate in a constellation. “Will I feel something? Am I going to 'create random stuff' and be completely out of the picture? ". But the 'magic' invariably works. Beautifully.
All constellations are obviously unique, but each one touches each person present, resonating more often than not strongly with a recent or current experience, directly or indirectly affecting his immediate personal history.
Everyone benefits.
Including past generations.
And the ones to come.
A Divine Constellation works and seeks to achieve recognition and union with its own divine aspect, with our divinity which only asks to fill us from head to soul, to guide us, to elevate us.
Very often it appears that it is a question of imbalance between our masculine and feminine side, where one of these two intrinsic powers of our being does not recognize the other, does not want
to see it or enter into a relationship, thus ignoring it, scorning it, or stifling it by overprotecting it.
Mélissa Pilote, my partner, acts the 'animator' and 'conductor' of these divine constellations.
I accompany her, support her and participate as a representative.
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